Scholarly Sessions

Top academic pediatricians, policymakers, and clinicians utilize a variety of innovative approaches to address high-quality, scholarly topics of interest to the broad constituencies attending the PAS Meeting. All Scholarly Sessions will be 90 minutes. Clubs CAN NOT exceed 90 min.

Scholarly Session Types:

    • Basic Clinical Translational Roundtables

Encourage collaboration between basic scientists, translational researchers, and clinicians. Roundtables outline a pediatric healthcare challenge and investigative approach, provide an overview of new therapeutic applications, and discuss emerging mechanisms and biological effects being discovered. The goal: to identify areas for further exploration, develop novel research, and optimize therapies. 90-minute session.

    • Debate/Pro-Con Discussions
    • Panel Discussions
    • Hot Topic Symposia
    • State of the Art Plenary
    • ClubsEncourage collaboration between basic scientists, translational researchers, and clinicians. Roundtables outline a pediatric healthcare challenge and investigative approach, provide an overview of new therapeutic applications, and discuss emerging mechanisms and biological effects being discovered. The goal: identify areas for further exploration, develop novel research, and optimize therapies. 90-minute session.Address a variety of controversies across pediatrics: diagnostics, medical management, therapeutics, research strategies, policy, and more. Look for robust debate and audience participation across 2-3 related topics. Ninety Minute Session. Attendees are seated at individual chairs. 90-minute session.
              • Panel Discussions

      Provide an interesting and engaging learning opportunity. Led by a moderator with subject area expertise, 3-5 panelists dive deep into timely pediatric issues. Ninety Minute Session. Attendees are seated at individual chairs. 90-minute session.

              • Hot Topic Symposia

      Focus on issues targeted to more specialized audiences, e.g., subspecialists, general pediatricians, educators, etc., than those covered in State-of-the-Art Plenary sessions. Hot Topic Symposia generally include 3-4 presentations with time for active audience discussion. 90-minute session.

      Present seminal advances in pediatrics featuring issues with a major impact on the health of children—advances in biomedical research, health policy, and other issues affecting the academic pediatrics field. Plenary sessions usually have invited lectures from one to three recognized leaders. 90-minute session.

              • Clubs

      Focused sessions that are organized by club members and are open to all attendees at no additional fee. Note: Some clubs may receive a different set based on availability. CAN NOT exceed 90 minutes.

              • Audrey K. Brown Kernicterus Symposium • Bilirubin Club • Bioethics Interest Group • Directors of Research Club • Lung Club • Milk Club • Neonatal Feeding Club • Neonatal Hemodynamics Club • Neonatal Sepsis Club • NICU Follow Up Club • Pediatric Hospital Medicine Club • Perinatal Brain Club • Perinatal Nutrition Club


      Workshop submissions are extremely competitive every year; on average, only about 25% of submissions are accepted.

      While the format may vary, workshops should be designed to facilitate discussions between workshop leaders and participants. The workshop may include a short didactic presentation, but the overall intention of these sessions is to actively involve the attendees in the learning process. Workshop leaders and participants should be prepared to dive into this cooperative venture jointly! To maximize the diversity of topics and leaders, preference may be given to workshops that have not been presented in both of the past two years. We also encourage the development of workshops that appeal to more senior faculty as well as trainees. Workshops will be selected to maximize audience participation and ensure a broad diversity of topics.

      APA and PAS SIGs

      APA SIGS

      Informal sessions sponsored by the Academic Pediatric Association (APA), SIGs are organized around specific academic and community pediatrician interest areas. All SIGs will be 90 minutes except for combined APA SIGs.

      PAS SIGS

      Informal sessions sponsored by the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS), SIGs are organized around specific academic and community pediatrician interest areas. All SIGs will be 90 minutes except for combined APA SIGs.


      Ancillary Events

      Ancillary Events are held in conjunction with the PAS Meeting, are coordinated by groups other than PAS, and do not include educational content: Functions held adjunct to the PAS Meeting and coordinated by a group other than PAS is considered an ancillary event. Educational and scientific programming, organized outside of PAS yet directed at the same audience, may not be offered over the official dates of the PAS Annual Meeting within 100 miles of the PAS meeting location. Ancillary Events should advance the vision of the PAS Meeting, the field of academic pediatrics and pediatric research and should not detract from or compete with official PAS programming or events.

      Event types include:

              • Alumni Event
              • Business Meeting
              • Committee Meetings
              • Conference
              • Dinner
              • Luncheon
              • Reception
              • ISS—Industry Sponsored Symposia
              • SCS—Sponsored Commercial Symposia


      Presentation formats (platform, poster, or poster symposium) are determined in February by the PAS Program Committee.

          • Platform sessions are 90 minutes long. Presentations are 15-minutes (10 minute/presentation; 5 minute/discussion).
          • Poster symposium sessions are 90 minutes in length and consist of a poster viewing period followed by a formal presentation or discussion period. Session moderators determine the presentation or discussion format for poster symposium sessions.
          • Poster sessions are two-three hours in length and consist of a general viewing and author attendance period.
          • Detailed instructions for the preparation of slides and posters, as well as scheduling notices, will be provided to the contact author with the presentation notification in February.
          • The complete schedule of all abstract presentations will be finalized by February