Friday, April 30, 2021 | 11:00 am – 4:30 pm CT
US $100 per course

Three tracks with three sessions (90 minutes each). The sessions will focus on skill and knowledge acquisition to provide a comprehensive core curriculum for fellows that address areas of academic development identified in the American Board of Pediatrics Guidelines for Fellowship Training. The topics covered are appropriate for individuals at the fellowship level of training and provide a foundation for those who may not have had exposure to some required topics, as well as those who wish to pursue a topic in greater depth in the future. It is intended that these themes will repeat each year so individual curriculums can be created to complement education provided by local fellowship training programs. Certificates of completion will be available for participants.

Fellows Core Curriculum Workshop – Track I

11:00 am – Introduction to APPD/PAS Fellows’ Core Curriculum

11:15 am –  Writing Your First Paper: How To Make Sure It Gets Accepted
Writing your first paper is a challenge. In this session, we will discuss how to get started – from properly formatting a draft to selecting the right journal. We will review all aspects of a paper, including the abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, tables, figures, and references. Authorship issues and how to help reviewers appreciate the importance of your paper will be discussed. Peer-reviewed papers are an important ingredient in academic success. At the end of this session, the goal is to ensure that you will be more comfortable submitting your first paper.

12:45 pm – Break

 1:00 pm – Fundamentals of Quality Improvement: How to Do QI
This session will be helpful to those participating in or planning quality improvement/patient safety projects, but who have little to modest experience or training in QI science. The session will include a survey of common over-arching QI methodologies (eg, lean engineering, the model for improvement, process control), specific QI strategies (eg, standardization, error-proofing, checklists, iterative PDSAs), issues around quality measures (eg, outcome measures, process measures, balancing measures), and a very brief introduction into broad but related concepts (eg, scoping, high-reliability organizations, safety culture). Small groups will take example quality/safety problems, explore possible QI approaches, plan interventions and interpret mock data. Participants will be encouraged to see how particular problems may suggest very fitting QI approaches, just as a particular QI approach may suggest very fitting analytic methods.

2:30 pm – Break

2:45 pm – Effective, Efficient, and Innovative Teaching as a Fellow
With increasing pressures to learn the knowledge, skills, and other competencies required for fellowship training, the teaching of medical students and residents has the tendency to become less of a priority at this level of training. Yet fellows are frequently called upon to teach trainees in the inpatient and outpatient settings. Effective, efficient, and innovative teaching strategies are needed, and this workshop will provide attendees with such strategies. A variety of teaching techniques including the use of ‘trigger’ videotapes, live demonstrations, and discussion will be used to highlight key take-home concepts that are designed to improve the teaching skills of participants.

Core Curriculum Fellows Workshop -Track II

11:00 am – Introduction to APPD/PAS Fellows’ Core Curriculum

11:15 am
From Idea to Implementation: Navigating the Ethical Landscape of Pediatric Clinical Research
This session will explore the challenges in designing and implementing a pediatric clinical research protocol using case studies (with participant analysis and discussion) to illustrate the following topics: What are the appropriate limits of risk exposure to a child if the intervention does not offer any prospect of direct benefit? What data are necessary to establish whether there is a sufficient prospect of direct benefit to justify the risks of an intervention? How does one design and assess a protocol that contains multiple interventions and procedures? How should one approach obtaining child assent and parental permission for research participation based on the developmental age of the child? By the end of the session, participants will be familiar with key concepts in pediatric research ethics, including: minimal risk, a minor increase over minimal risk, component analysis, the prospect of direct benefit, and extrapolation. Ideally, participants should come prepared with a hypothetical clinical research idea, including an intervention, patient population, and endpoints, so that the material can be applied in the discussion to a relevant example drawn from personal clinical and/or research experience.

12:45 pm – Break1:00 pm – Recognizing Common Bio-statistical Errors
Fellows must be aware of bio-statistical errors in the literature. Recognition will help researchers prevent similar errors in their own scientific work. Case vignettes will be used to highlight common errors. The errors discussed may include standard error vs. standard deviation, non-independence, use of paired measurements, the meaning of P-values, confidence intervals.

2:30 pm – Break2:45 pm – Grant Writing: Key Components and Strategies for Success
Grant writing is a critical skill for many fellows and faculty. While the details of funding applications vary, there are many common elements across funding sources and shared strategies for success. The objectives of the session are: 1) to demystify the grant application process; 2) identify potential funding sources for new investigators; 3) consider key components of grant applications, and 4) discuss strategies for success.

Core Curriculum Fellows Workshop -Track III

11:00 am – Introduction to APPD/PAS Fellows’ Core Curriculum

11:15 am – Finding Your Passion and Your Purpose

What gets you out of bed in the morning? or keeps you up at night? In this interactive session, we will prompt you to think and reflect on what motivates you. By the end of the session, you will have a better sense of how to cultivate passion through purposeful action in your career as a pediatric specialist.

12:45 pm – Break

1:00 pm – Negotiation 101
Congratulations! You are finishing your fellowship and have just been offered a new job. You are about to meet with your future boss to discuss your position. Now, what happens? The reality is that for most of us, we have no idea. As clinicians, most of us were never taught the basics of how to negotiate. Negotiation 101 will introduce you to some of these nuts-and-bolts skills. First, workshop participants will pair off and negotiate a deal. We will then regroup and see how everyone did. We’ll use this exercise to introduce some basic negotiation concepts BATNA, ZOPA, and reservation value. We’ll also try to answer the question of “is it better to make the first offer or respond to a first offer?” (Answer – it depends). We will then take the lessons learned from the negotiation exercise and apply them to the academic medical setting. We’ll try to cover questions such as “What is negotiable and what isn’t?” and “What are the things that I don’t even know to discuss or to ask for?” Finally, we’ll end the workshop by doing a few self-reflection exercises to help figure out what one may want out of a career. Knowing what you actually want is the first (and possibly most important step) in the negotiation process

2:30 pm – Break

2:45 pm – Having Difficult Conversations
During this presentation, participants will be introduced to basic principles of verbal and non-verbal communication, conflict resolution techniques, and a structured process to help understanding how approach difficult conversations and negotiations.



Friday | April 30, 2021 | 9:00 am – 4:00 pm CT
CME Credits: 6.0
US $100 per course

PAS Postgraduate Courses cover basic, translational, and clinical science from fetal physiology to post-discharge follow-up. Speakers will discuss current research advances, provide ideas for the development of research or quality improvement projects, and address career development in their presentations.

Target Audience:
Neonatal fellows, junior faculty, associate professors, and scientists interested in hearing the latest research and developing skills to advance their research career in a collegial, interactive format.

PAS Postgraduate Course: Neonatal Pulmonology: Bridging the Gap in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)

Target Audience: Neonatal or other Pediatric fellows, junior faculty, associate professors, and scientists interested in hearing the latest and greatest research and clinical management in neonatal pulmonology as it relates to Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.

Description: A postgraduate course covering the latest clinical, translational, and clinical research and practice in BPD 

Basic and Translational Science – Moderator: Rita Ryan, MD           

9 am  Antecedents to BPD and BPD-associated pulmonary hypertension Steven Abman, MD, University of Colorado School of Medicine

10 am  Microbiomics and Metabolomics in BPDNamasivayam Ambalavanan, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham

11 am   MicroRNAs in BPDVineet Bhandari, MD, DM, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

Noon  one hour break

Clinical Science – Moderator: Vineet Bhandari, MD

1 pm  Antioxidants and BPDTrent Tipple, MD, University of Oklahoma

1:30 pm  A Primer on Severe BPD: Data from the BPD CollaborativeLeif Nelin, MD, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

2:00 pm  Pharmacotherapy of BPD and BPD-associated pulmonary hypertensionRita Ryan, MD, UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

2:30 pm  Ventilation Strategies in Severe BPDMartin Keszler, MD, Brown University

3 pm  Post-discharge Pulmonary Outcomes of BPDJennifer Landry, MD, MSc, McGill University

3:30 pm  Antenatal Approaches to Prevent BPDCynthia McEvoy, MD, MCR, Oregon Health & Science University

PAS Postgraduate Course: Neonatal Neurology: HIE-focused Project-Based Learning

Target Audience: Neonatal Fellows, Junior Faculty, Associate Professors, and Scientists interested in developing their understanding and skills to advance their research career in Neonatal Neurology.

9 am – Etiologies of Encephalopathy in the Newborn – Andrea Pardo, MD, Lurie Children’s Hospital, and Taeun Chang, MD, Children’s National Hospital 

10 am – The Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological Exam – Kristen Benninger, MD, Nationwide Children’s Hospital 

11 am – Acute Symptomatic Seizures in the Newborn – Courtney Wusthoff, MD, Stanford Children’s Hospital, and Shavonne Massey, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 

Noon one hour break 

1 pm Outcomes in HIE –  Sunny Juul, MD PhD, University of Washington

2 pm – Giving Diagnoses & Prognosis after Neural InsultsSarah Winter, MD, University of Utah, and Mary Lauren Neel, MD, Nationwide Children’s Hospital 

3 pm – Designing a Research Question – Tommy Wood, BM BCh PhD, University of Washington, Roberta Ballard, UC San Francisco, and Sunny Juul, MD PhD, University of Washington

PAS Postgraduate Course: Neo NutGut: A Postgraduate Course Covering Neonatal Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Physiology 

Target Audience: Neonatal fellows, junior faculty, associate professors, and scientists interested in developing skills to advance their research career and hearing the latest and greatest research in neonatal nutrition and GI physiology.

Description: An overview of our current understanding and latest discoveries in basic, translational, and clinical science of nutrition and metabolism from fetal metabolism to preterm infant post-discharge nutrition. In addition to delivering an overview of current research advances, each presentation will include ideas for development of research or quality improvement projects and with a career development pearl.

Basic Science & Translational Science    

9 am  Intrauterine growth restrictionLaura Brown, MD, University of Colorado School of Medicine

10 am Necrotizing enterocolitis – Misty Good, MD, MS, Washington University in St. Louis

11 am Metabolomics – Camilia Martin, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Noon  one hour break

Clinical Science

1 pm Nutrition and especially human milk for infants with cardiac diseaseAmy Hair, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital

2 pm Approaches to growth faltering in very low birth weight infantsBrenda Poindexter, MD, MS, Cincinnati Children’s 

3 pm Post-discharge nutrition for preterm infantsSarah Taylor, MD, MSCR, Yale University School of Medicine

PAS 2022 Ethics Course for Fellows and Junior Faculty: Ethical Principles Foundational to Medical Professionalism

Friday | April 22, 2022
9:00 am – 4:00 pm local time

CME Credits: 5.0
US $135 USD (includes box lunch)

Description: This course will provide education and instruction in core principles of ethics related to the practice of medicine, designed to satisfy ACGME Common Program Requirement IV.5.

Target Audience: Trainees, training program leadership



APA Quality Improvement Conference
10th Annual Conference
Thursday, April 29, and Friday, April 30, 2021

APA Fellows Meeting
Pediatric Academic Generalist & Hospital Medicine Fellows Meeting
Thursday, April 29, 2021