The PAS Program Committee is a large, active working group that is responsible for the overall organization, construction, and evaluation of the PAS Meeting. The committee is comprised of representatives from the American Pediatric Society, Society for Pediatric Research, Academic Pediatric Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics and also includes representatives from each of the alliance organizations that meet in conjunction with the PAS. In general, the composition of the program committee reflects the broad-based interests of the members, guests, and trainees who attend the meeting.
PAS Programming Timeline
Scholarly Sessions & Original Science: PC Member Roles & Responsibilities
Scientific Tracks
PAS 2022 Abstract Topic Areas
PAS 2022 Abstract Topic Area Descriptions
PAS 2022 Co-sponsored Scholarly Sessions
Program Committee Correspondence
October 6 Open Call Correspondence
Dear PAS Program Committee Members,
As we prepare to open our first PAS 2022 content call, we want to share with you the email that will be sent today at 1 pm Central to our PAS community (attached). We hope this advance notice is helpful to you as you encourage your colleagues to consider submission and as you respond to any questions you might receive after the call opens.
As the call opens, we are taking the opportunity to announce our PAS 2022 Highlighted Themes. These themes are a PAS 2022 Lab, a pilot test to encourage submissions on broad themes of interest across the full spectrum of academic pediatrics. A big thank you to our PC Members for all your help in formulating this pilot and the terrific input you offered to help our Program Committee Leadership Team make the final theme selections. We are excited to announce the three Themes for PAS 2022 are:
- Effects of Climate Change on Child Health
- Racism in Research and Medical Care
- Managing the Pediatric Mental Health Crisis
Please reach out to the membership of your societies and encourage your colleagues to consider submissions to PAS on these themes or any of the usual PAS topics. We welcome submissions from the full diversity of the academic pediatrics community.
The PAS team is available to answer any questions you might have throughout the submission process. Please reach out to them at or 346.258.6216.
Patrick D. Brophy MD, MHCDS
William H. Eilinger Professor and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry |
Physician-in-Chief of the Golisano Children’s Hospital at the University of Rochester Medical Center. |
October Newsletter
Scholarly Session Review Email with Sessions
Program Committee Scholarly Session Update
Hello Everyone,
Let me begin with a sincere thank you to everyone for submitting your Scholarly Session selections through the online process. The selections have been made and are listed here: Thank you all again for your dedication to making the PAS Meeting a success!
Attached is a list showing what was picked (tab 1) and what is still available (tab 2). As a reminder, the Program Committee Leadership Team is tasked with picking additional Scholarly Sessions at the conclusion of our call on Tuesday. To begin the call, we will review the overall balance of the Scholarly Session selections together and ask PC members to voice any remaining sessions they would like to recommend to the PCLT.
Please use this form to provide information if you would like to co-sponsor a session. This ensures we have all requests in one place.
We look forward to speaking with everyone this upcoming Tuesday.
Tuesday’s Call Information:
PAS Program Committee – Scholarly Session Selection
Meeting link:
1:00-2:00 pm CT on Tuesday, Dec. 7
PAS Program Committee Leadership Team Meeting will be held at the close of PC meeting.
We look forward to speaking with everyone soon!
Jaclyn Huff
Director, Content and Conference Planning
Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting
December 7 PC Call – Final Scholarly Session Recommendations
January 13 PAS 2022 Abstract Update
Dear Program Committee Members,
On behalf of the PAS Program Committee Leadership Team and Staff, thank you for your continued engagement, and dedication to the success of PAS 2022. Your support has led to a wonderful response to our 2022 Scholarly Session, Workshop, and Abstract call – important milestones in our development of a strong scholarly program.
When the Abstract call closed last week, final submissions totaled 3,984, which is 192 more than we had conservatively projected (3,792 were projected). In 2021, 3,395 abstracts were submitted. In 2020, 5058 Abstracts were submitted. The 2022 submission outcome is extraordinary considering the many extra demands the academic pediatrics community faces in the ongoing pandemic. The community’s strong desire to participate in PAS reminds us again of the importance of the program you are working so hard to plan. Thank you!
The PAS team is busy beginning to create a draft schedule for PAS 2022. As we do each year, we will gather your feedback to ensure we create as balanced a schedule as is possible. We anticipate sharing this draft with you in February.
We look forward to the February 11th Program Committee Meeting (1:30 pm CT) and to receiving your continued feedback and recommendations. If you have questions at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Upcoming Deadlines and Dates:
January and February are busy months for everyone involved in planning the PAS Meeting and we appreciate your engagement and dedication. Here’s what’s in the pipeline:
Abstract Review Jan. 12-25: All abstract reviews are due by 11:59 pm CT Monday, Jan. 25
• Total abstracts submitted: 3,984 (17% increase from 2021 submissions)
• Total abstract review volunteers accepted: 731 (not including Coordinating Chairs)
• For PAS 2022, the minimum number of reviewers per abstract has been set at 6 with a maximum number of abstracts assigned to each reviewer set at 60. This was based on the total number of reviewers available to review this year.
Coordinating chairs will not review/score abstracts unless notified by PAS due to reviewer shortage in their area of expertise.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Due to the new blinded review process, all coordinating chairs will receive full access to the abstracts, including DEI information, when abstract selection begins on January 27.
Abstract Selection Jan. 27-Feb. 9 – Additional Details will be provided prior to selection start.
Program Committee Meeting, Wednesday, Feb. 11 (1:30 pm CT)
• This call will focus on a discussion of the program schedule and identifying conflicts.
• If you do not have an invitation in your calendar for the meeting, please contact Michelle Brunoehler at
Additional information to share:
• Changes: If you need to make a change to a session (different title, speaker, moderator, etc.) please submit the request through the PAS 2022 Change Request Tracker Form. The form can also be accessed through the Program Committee portal.
Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for your ongoing support of PAS!
Jaclyn Huff
Director, Content and Conference Planning
Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting
Program Committee Feedback
We welcome your feedback on the PAS program planning process throughout the year. To help make it easier to submit comments in real-time, please use the Program Committee Feedback site, which is designed to facilitate ongoing input and help us understand areas where more clarity or improvements are needed. You can submit comments at any time throughout the process.