This policy provides guidelines regarding PAS’s expectations as to submissions for presentations at the PAS Meeting regardless of session format. PAS strives to ensure presentations at the PAS Meeting are presented with the utmost ethical conduct and are free from any conflicts of interest. PAS is committed to fostering an environment where all PAS Meeting participants maintain the highest ethical and academic standards and where all conflicts of interest are fully and openly disclosed. PAS will proactively monitor, compare and analyze submissions to ensure compliance with PAS abstract submission guidelines and this policy. Failure to follow this policy may result in the immediate rejection of such submission.

Submission Guidelines

  • Without regard to session format, submissions made for presentation at the PAS Meeting should adhere to PAS Meeting Submission Guidelines as posted on the PAS Meeting website.
  • There is no limit on the number of abstracts submitted by each author, but the submission of multiple, redundant, or highly similar abstracts with only minimal changes in the abstract title or minor changes in data analysis, or minor additions/changes in included data from the same investigator(s) or laboratory is strongly discouraged. Such submissions may result in the rejection of all abstracts that are deemed to be in violation of PAS guidelines; rejection may occur prior to, during, or after review, even if submitted to a different topic.
  • Previously submitted and rejected abstracts should not be resubmitted with only minimal or no changes. Such submissions may result in rejection before, during, or after Previously submitted Scholarly Sessions or Workshops that have been accepted or rejected, may be resubmitted.
  • Abstracts submitted to the immediate past PAS can be resubmitted with updated findings if they have not been published in manuscript form before
  • The same Work in Progress (WIP) Abstract may not be presented at successive PAS Meetings. Previously accepted WIP Abstract projects that have then been completed may be presented at future PAS Meetings if significant new data or results are available at the time of submission.
  • Abstracts submitted and/or presented at other Societies’ or national meetings since the prior PAS Meeting may be submitted to the PAS Meeting for consideration. Abstracts presented at the last PAS Meeting may not be submitted.
  • Abstracts should not be submitted if accepted for
  • Research published in manuscript form prior to the submission of the abstract is not appropriate and should not be submitted. Abstracts that describe work that has been submitted as a manuscript or is a manuscript in revision may be submitted. Authors do not need to take any action if they receive notification of acceptance for publication following submission to PAS.
  • Research accepted for publication after submission and acceptance by the PAS may be presented at the PAS Meeting for which it was chosen.
  • Upon submission, the submitting author verifies that all authors have agreed to the
  • Reviewer scores and comments are confidential and are not available to individuals (including authors) except through official PAS communications.
  • The decision of the Program Committee to accept or decline any submission is
  • The assignment of presentation format for accepted submissions (for example, platform, plenary or poster session, poster symposium) is at the sole decision of the PAS Program
  • If your submission is accepted, all presenters must give permission for their presentations to be recorded and for the recording to be used for academic purposes by Pediatric Academic Societies, Inc. (PAS). This includes authorizing PAS to reproduce any and all video/audio recordings that are made of the participants during this event, without further compensation. The recordings will be made available only to registered
  • An Abstract accepted for PAS may be presented only once at the PAS Meeting for which it was accepted, inclusive of all pre-conference, program, and ancillary events. Presenting authors speaking in multiple PAS sessions may reference the same work or data but should not give redundant, materially overlapping, Abstract presentations.
  • Abstracts presented at any PAS session, inclusive of all pre-conference, program, and ancillary events, may only be drawn from the official PAS Call for Auxiliary or independent content calls by groups participating in PAS are not permitted unless reviewed and approved by the PAS Program Chair prior to the call opening.
    • The PAS Office will gather from all accepted Abstract presenters a confirmation of all sessions, inclusive of pre-conference and ancillary events, in which they will be speaking and affirm the presentations are not redundant, materially overlapping, Abstract presentations. The PAS Office may utilize filters, AI, software or other technology or methods to aid compliance Violations will follow the existing PAS Academic Ethics procedures.

Publication of Submissions

  • All submissions, if accepted for presentation, will be published in the PAS Program

Ethical Conduct & Conflict of Interest

 Regardless of the session format, PAS expects:

  • should be free of plagiarism, and misrepresentation and should align with the standards for research or academic work expressed by the home institution of submitting author(s) or presenter(s).
  • All authors of submissions must complete and submit Conflict of Interest Disclosures (COI) in accordance with PAS timelines and The submitting author should alert her/his colleagues about this requirement.
  • If the submission is accepted for presentation, all authors must attest that they and the submission are in compliance with the PAS Policy on Academic Ethics Policy and Submission Guidelines.
  • If the submission is accepted for presentation, all authors must attest whether they have previously been found in violation of the PAS Code of Conduct Policy.
  • Work submitted for presentation must include an acknowledgment of funding sources of commercial nature and/or consulting or holding of significant equity in a company that could be affected by the results of the study. Even if indicated elsewhere in the submission, this must appear as the last sentence and read “funded by…” and/or “equity in…” if pertinent. Required text is excluded from submission character count limits.
  • The text required by a granting agency acknowledging funding or support is excluded from submission character count limits.

Reporting Ethical Conduct or Conflict Of Interest Concerns or Violations

Any individual who believes the research, content, information, or data contained in a presentation within the PAS Meeting program:

  • violates the intellectual property rights of another and/or
  • was or may be presented without full disclosure of all conflicts of interest by the submitting or presenting party(ies)

should file a complaint with the PAS Program Chair by contacting the PAS Office at info@pas- or 346.258.6216.

Complaints will be reviewed by the PAS Program Chair in consultation with an ad hoc committee comprised of the PAS Program Committee Chair-elect and up to two relevant subject matter experts drawn from the PAS Program Committee.

Consequences of Violations

Following consultation with the ad hoc advisory committee, the PAS Program Chair will communicate the outcome and decision to the individual(s) who completed the submission. If a violation of this policy is found, actions taken against such individual(s) may include:

  • Rejection of the submission
  • First offense, minor: Warning with a reminder of submission guidelines and policy requirements
  • First offense, major: Prohibited from submission, presentation, or attendance for the three PAS Meetings following violation
  • Second offense: Prohibited from submission, presentation, or attendance for the three PAS Meetings following violation

All decisions of the ad hoc advisory committee shall be final.

Notwithstanding the above, if PAS, in its reasonable judgment, determines an individual has violated this policy in an egregious or flagrant manner, PAS may, without regard to the above tiers, bar the individual from the participation of any kind in any future PAS Meetings. PAS reserves the right to immediately remove:

  • any Meeting participant whose actions violate this policy
  • any content or materials related to violations of this policy
  • and to cancel any related presentations if PAS, in its reasonable judgment, deems such presentations a risk to its ability to conduct a meeting free of ethical violations or conflicts of interest.


  • For information regarding the conduct expected of attendees of the PAS Meeting, please refer to the PAS Meeting Participant Code of Conduct Policy.
  • APA may continue to conduct a separate Abstract call for its existing APA QI Pre- conference at the PAS Meeting and is aware CME provider Baylor may discontinue CME.
  • If the APA anticipates a change to the Abstract call practices or scope for the APA QI Pre- conference, the APA is asked to alert the PAS Program Chair to facilitate coordinated program planning.

Americans With Disabilities Act

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, PAS will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. Contact PAS in order to make arrangements.

Code of Conduct

The purpose of this policy is to address the conduct expected of PAS participants and to outline steps that may be taken when conduct does not align with expectations. For purposes of this policy, “participant” is defined as any individual registered attendee, speaker, organizer, staff, sponsor, guest, or exhibitor associated with any official PAS events. The PAS Code of Conduct applies to all PAS activities. A PAS activity includes but is not limited to activities throughout the year preparing for the PAS events or activities published in the PAS Meeting Program guide or similar materials, including social events, or activities taking place in or on a PAS event platform, PAS-contracted venues, or taking place online or via social media (i.e., postings to PAS Facebook, Twitter and similar pages, including meeting hashtags).

Expected Conduct

The PAS is committed to fostering a welcoming environment that is safe, collaborative, and productive for dialogue and discovery for all participants. All who register to participate, attend, speak, sponsor or exhibit at a PAS event agree to comply with this policy.

PAS expects all participants associated with any official PAS events will adhere to the following principles:

  • Respect common-sense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, courtesy, and respect for private property.
  • Be considerate and respectful of differing perspectives during the meeting.
  • Respect the rules and policies of participating societies, the meeting platform, venues, and hotels.
  • Comply with all local, state, and federal laws.

PAS prohibits any form of harassment, sexual or otherwise. Accordingly, some behaviors, including but not limited to the following, are specifically prohibited:

  • Intimidation, stalking, harassment, inappropriate physical or digital contact, unwelcome sexual attention, or discrimination in any form.
  • Abusive, harassing, or threatening behavior
  • Verbal/written threats or personal insults

At any PAS events, PAS prohibits the following:

  • Disruption, including but not limited to solicitation or promotional items, of any presentation, video/text chat, exhibit hall activity, or any other events throughout the meeting is prohibited. All participants must comply with instructions given by the moderator and/or any PAS event staff.
  • Participants in PAS events are strictly prohibited from screen capturing, recording, photographing, broadcasting, distributing, or unauthorized publication of any sessions or presentations, or materials presented at PAS events. This includes, but is not limited to, slides, video or text chat, audio recordings, live digital feeds, or other forms of digital information sharing.
  • Participants in PAS events are strictly prohibited from transferring, sharing, publishing, or copying login or access credentials, passwords, hyperlinks, or other materials intended for the use of individual access to PAS content.

Participants asked by anyone to stop engaging in hostile or harassing behaviors are expected to comply immediately. This behavior will not be tolerated and may result in immediate expulsion from a session, event, or the PAS Meeting, including future PAS Meetings or other PAS events, either virtual or a held-in-person, and/or deactivation of login credentials or other access mechanisms.

Reporting A Violation

Violations of this Code of Conduct Policy should be reported immediately.

All participants are expected to alert venue security, platform, or PAS personnel of any dangerous situations, violations of this Conduct Policy, or if anyone is in distress as detailed below.

Participants who feel physically unsafe or believe a crime has been committed should contact local police immediately.

To report a Code of Conduct violation, participants may:

  • Visit the Ka’ahumanu Boardroom A of the Hawaii Convention Center on April 24-28, 2025, 7:00 am – 3:30 pm and/or
  • Visit the Code of Conduct form, which will collect and promptly relay information confidentially and sensitively, and/or
  • Call PAS at 346.258.6216.

Complaints may be raised during or after any PAS event. Allegations regarding misconduct by participants are taken very seriously. PAS encourages prompt reporting of violations so immediate action can be taken to address the concern. Reports may not be submitted anonymously as that would preclude adequate follow-up action.

Procedures Regarding Reported Violations:

During the PAS Meeting

  • Once an allegation is received, the incident will be reviewed promptly by the PAS Executive Director, PAS Meeting Director, and members of a PAS Advisory Group, comprised of the members of the Program Committee Leadership Team.
  • Based on this initial information, the complainant will be interviewed promptly by the PAS Executive Director and the PAS Meeting Director together. The complainant will be asked to provide his/her preferred resolution.
  • Note: if any of the above individuals are named in an allegation, they may be excluded from any review actions.
  • Based on the sole assessment of the PAS Executive Director, PAS Meeting Director, and PAS Advisory Group comprised of the members of the Program Committee Leadership Team, in consultation with legal counsel, as needed, PAS may enact a range of next steps, up to and including immediate expulsion from a session, event, or the PAS Meeting, without prior warning or refund. PAS reserves the right to remove any participant whose social attentions become unwelcome to another and who persists in such attentions after their unwelcome nature has been communicated. PAS also reserves the right to remove any participant who appears inebriated or who engages in conduct that interferes with the ability of other participants to participate in and enjoy the meeting.

After a PAS Event

  • If PAS, in its sole determination, concludes the allegation requires further review or scrutiny, the PAS Executive Director, Meeting Director, and an Advisory Group member will raise the complaint with the alleged offender, who will be given a chance to respond.
  • Other individuals may be contacted to provide information. Participants are expected to cooperate with PAS information gathering related to a reported violation of this Code of Conduct Policy by providing the information requested by PAS that is relevant.
  • Action will be taken by the PAS Board based on its assessment of the level of misconduct.
  • PAS may, in its reasonable judgment, refer the allegation to venue or platform security personnel or to the alleged offender’s home institution (Office of Research Integrity or similar), employer, licensing board, or law enforcement for investigation and decision.
  • If PAS, in its reasonable judgment, determines an individual has violated this Code of Conduct Policy, PAS may bar the individual from participation in future PAS events.
  • PAS will report on the outcome of any investigation to individuals who have reported a violation of this Code of Conduct Policy.

Copyright Statement

The presentations, handouts, and other related materials (“Materials”) which are part of the PAS Meeting are the copyrighted intellectual property of the owner and no use of such materials may be used in any way without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.


The views expressed by any meeting attendee, speaker, exhibitor, or sponsor are those of the speaker and not necessarily those of PAS. As such, PAS shall not be held liable for any claims relating to reliance on such views.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

PAS Statement: The Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) leadership and staff are committed to ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of the PAS Meeting and related activities. PAS is committed to providing a safe environment that welcomes the respectful expression of diverse opinions and perspectives and is open to collegial, energetic debate and dialogue.

PAS Goals: PAS is committed to

  1. A program selected on the basis of scientific, scholarly, and educational merit in support of our mission: Connecting the global academic pediatric community to advance scientific discovery and promote innovation in child and adolescent health.
  2. Building and operationalizing an understanding of DEI in all aspects of PAS, including program content, participants, committees, leadership, and staff, through data collection, impact assessment, and continuous process improvement, under the leadership of the PAS DEI Committee.
  3. A safe environment that welcomes respectful expression of diverse opinions and perspectives that is open to collegial, energetic debate and dialogue.
  4. All Submitters are expected to give proactive attention to DEI in the planning of session content and presenters. (For DEI definition guidance, see Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity.)
  5. Under the leadership of the DEI Committee, PAS will collect and analyze DEI data from PAS presenters, attendees, leadership, and staff and will use this data to identify opportunities for impactful DEI improvements.

Our Shared Commitment

PAS shares with all PAS 2024 Meeting attendees, speakers, exhibitors, staff, and vendors a commitment to and responsibility for a safe and healthy environment for all event participants.

Safety and preventative measures implemented by PAS and PAS venues will take into consideration guidance from federal, state, and local public health authorities. But even as we implement these measures, please be aware PAS cannot fully eliminate all risks of harm to event participants or guarantee safety. Ultimately, as a PAS 2024 participant, you are responsible for your own safety. Please also recognize this is a fluid situation, and PAS safety procedures may change. We will update you as needed via the PAS website, emails, and other communication channels.

Your safety is our #1 priority. Here are a few key details to keep in mind when planning for our in-person meeting in Toronto, Canada.

Vaccine Requirements – PAS supports following CDC guidelines which include vaccination and being current on boosters. Verification of vaccination by PAS will not be required.

Mask Requirements – Review and follow current CDC and applicable local guidance for protecting yourself from COVID-19. Masks will be available at PAS venues.

CDC – The CDC recommends indoor masking for all only in communities deemed to be at high risk for COVID-19 based on hospitalizations, local hospital capacity, and new infections. (You can check your area’s risk level on the CDC’s website.)

Waiver and Release

By registering for the PAS 2024 Meeting, you understand and assume all risks associated with traveling and participating in the meeting and any associated events/activities (e.g. Opening Reception, off-site events). You (and on behalf of your guest(s)) voluntarily waive and release PAS, its employees, directors, officers, volunteers, agents, successors, licensees, assigns, vendors, exhibitors, and sponsors from any and all claims, liabilities, or causes of action, including without limitation, death, bodily injury, property damage, or any other loss, damage, or any inconvenience whatsoever, arising from participation in this meeting and any associated PAS events/activities whether or not such damage, injury, or loss may occur on the premises of the meeting, at offsite venues, in participating hotels or on event ground transportation.

While attending the PAS 2024 Meeting, you agree to comply with any government, health authority, venue, and/PAS safety procedures, health requirements, protocols, and PAS staff directives, throughout the meeting, and be aware these may change at any time. You understand as a registrant that your failure to comply with any health and safety requirements or protocols or failure to comply with any direction from the PAS staff on-site during the meeting may result in the loss of the right to attend or in immediate removal from the event and cancellation of your registration without refund.

Do not participate in PAS activities or discontinue participation if you feel unwell, are awaiting COVID-19 test results, were recently exposed to COVID-19, or are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 during or within ten (10) days of the Event, or are unable to participate safely.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in helping keep each other healthy. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact

Individual Slide and Poster Photography/Video

Information sharing is vital to advancing scientific research, but it is important to respect information privacy and copyright ownership as well.

To help authors and attendees understand scientific content-sharing boundaries clearly, presenters must use PAS-provided icons to label each slide or poster with either the “PAS Share” or “Do Not Share” icons.  Important: Attendees must take note of what icon is listed on each individual slide. Video and/or photography of ENTIRE presentations and sessions is prohibited. If NO icon is shown, sharing is not permitted.

“PAS Share”

Slides labeled with the PAS Share icon indicate the presenter or author agrees to INDIVIDUAL slides or their poster being captured by video and/or photography and potentially being shared on various web and social media platforms. Attendees can share anywhere (social media, blogs, etc.) but MUST include the authors’ full name and institution.

“Do Not Share”

Slides labeled with the PAS Do Not Share icon indicate the presenter or author does not agree to their scientific content, research, or presentation slides being shared anywhere. All attendees are strictly prohibited from using cameras, including mobile phones, tablets, and all other photography, audio, and video recording devices in these scientific sessions.

This means attendees may not take photos or videos of speakers presenting or their slides. Attendees not adhering to this policy may be asked to leave the room and will be asked to delete all photos or videos already taken; additional action may be taken with repeated or egregious offenders.

Attendees are asked to be respectful of their colleagues by turning off all mobile devices before entering meeting rooms.

Session Videos: PAS will set up a secure website to share videos of certain sessions, including the Presidential Address, Invited Sessions, and Special Symposia. Presenters at these sessions will be asked to indicate whether their session videos may be shared.

Official photographs will be taken at the PAS 2024 Meeting. By registering for this meeting, you agree to allow PAS to use your photo in any PAS-related publications, including the PAS website.

Intellectual Property Policy

The purpose of this policy is to specify the guidelines adopted by PAS regarding the use of PAS intellectual property. For purposes of this policy, “Member Organizations” are defined as the following: American Academy of Pediatrics, Academic Pediatric Association, American Pediatric Society, and Society for Pediatric Research. “PAS Directors” are those individuals appointed by a Member Organization to the PAS Board of Directors (“PAS Board”).

Nothing in this policy is intended to restrict the use of Intellectual Property by the persons who are the owners of the Intellectual Property, their licensees, or assignees. These owners may use their Intellectual Property or licensee or assign other uses as they deem appropriate, including reproduction, adaptation, publication, performance, and display, without any prior approval or notice to the PAS.

Through events and other means PAS provides valuable information and educational materials for PAS community members in the pediatric healthcare profession.  This information and educational material includes program guides, submissions, session materials, presentations, recordings, data, photographs, displays, signage, and images (collectively “Intellectual Property”) which may be owned by PAS, speakers, licensors, or other providers. This Intellectual Property is protected by the United States and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.

The owners of this Intellectual Property exercise full rights over its usage.  The PAS Code of Conduct and PAS Terms of Use provide guidance for conduct related to the use of Intellectual Property, including social media activity and conduct during PAS sessions. Agreement to these stipulations is required of all participants in PAS events. These stipulations permit and encourage the open exchange of ideas and information that is essential to the advancement of scholarship and research core to the PAS vision.

The above notwithstanding, unless PAS Directors, staff, committee members, reviewers, moderators, presenters, volunteers, event participants, supporting staff and other PAS community members are the Intellectual Property owners, individuals may not:

  • Reproduce, distribute, modify, or create derivative works of the Intellectual Property
  • Publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store, or transmit any Intellectual Property
  • Use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences, or any graphics separately from the accompanying text in the Intellectual Property
  • Delete or alter any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices from copies of materials from the Intellectual Property

 Any proposed use of Intellectual Property by persons other than the owner of the Intellectual Property, their licensees, or assignees must be pre-approved by PAS in writing. Requests should be sent by email to to the attention of the PAS Executive Director.

Personal Data Use Policy

The purpose of this policy is to describe the guidelines adopted by PAS regarding the use of the personal data of PAS event attendees, speakers, sponsors, and other stakeholders. This personal data (“Personal Data”) includes a person’s name, contact information, education, demographics, and other significant points of data regarding a person as outlined in the PAS Privacy Policy. This Personal Data has been entrusted to PAS for use in connection with PAS events, programming, and other activities of PAS and is an important and valuable asset of PAS.

PAS Directors, committee members, event participants, staff and other stakeholders may not:

  • Share or transfer Personal Data
  • Sell or rent Personal Data
  • Use Personal Data for commercial purposes or purposes that duplicate or conflict with PAS events, offerings, or programs

Any proposed use of Personal Data must be pre-approved by PAS in writing. Requests should be sent by email to to the attention of the PAS Executive Director.

Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the PAS website. The purpose of this policy is to provide information on how the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) may collect and utilize your personal data. For purposes of this policy, “Member Organizations” are defined as the following: American Academy of Pediatrics, Academic Pediatric Association, American Pediatric Society, and Society for Pediatric Research. A listing of Alliance and Affiliate Organizations is available here.

Personal Data and Data Sources that PAS May Collect

Personal Data Personal Data Sources
Name, email and physical address, telephone numbers PAS Attendees, when submitting forms, abstracts or session or event proposals, or engaging in communications with us
Personal data about your transactions with us and personal data about your transactions with unaffiliated third parties (“Third Parties”) that are shared with PAS. Such transactional personal data can include but is not limited to, billing information, educational materials, or claims related to PAS policies or policy violations PAS Member, Alliance, Affiliate or other participating organizations, PAS websites, digital platforms, and applications
Third-party data, including personal data you provide to Third Parties when you have authorized the Third Party to share such personal data with other parties, such as personal data collected through Third Party applications, websites, or other digital interfaces, personal data you have authorized us to receive, or personal data you have authorized Third Parties to share with us Third-Party applications, websites, or other digital interfaces where you have agreed to share your personal data • Assistive technologies, mobile or wearable devices, or other similar technology

In order to better understand the academic pediatric community we serve, in the future PAS may expand the types of data it collects to include, for example, gender, race, ethnicity, cultural affiliations, or other demographic information.

How We Use Your Personal Data: We use personal data to provide our services and for purposes allowed by law. This includes use authorized by you. For example, we may use your data to:

Process registration, program, or education transactions
Example data use – education transaction: In order for CME credits to be claimed by PAS attendees PAS transmits data such as attendee name, email address, PAS registration number, session attendance, and/or evaluation data to the official PAS CME provider, currently Baylor College of Medicine.

Create and deliver educational programs and events
Example data use – educational programs: In order to create and deliver a PAS session or webinar – two examples of educational programs or events – PAS will share the attendee name and email address with external vendors with whom it has contracted for program guide apps or online meeting platforms. Illustrative vendors are Zoom, PosterCast, EventScribe, ScholarOne, and Cadmium.

Maintain your accounts
Example data use: PAS will use data such as attendee name, academic title, institution, specialty, and email address to maintain accounts that record participation in PAS activities or roles such as registrant, attendee, reviewer, moderator, speaker, workshop presenter; Board, task force or committee member.

Comply with PAS policies and applicable laws and for security purposes
Example data use – PAS policy compliance: PAS will use data such as name, email address, and abstract submissions to monitor for compliance with the PAS Academic Ethics Policy, for example, and to issue notifications or warnings of violations or take other policy enforcement actions.

Prevent and prosecute fraud or criminal activities or PAS policy violations
Example data use – prosecute fraud or criminal activities: PAS may share data in order to be responsive to requests from federal, state, or local authorities engaged in law enforcement activities.

Create, maintain, operate, and market our scholarly and educational services
Example data use – create/market educational services: PAS Meeting sessions and webinars are one example of scholarly and educational services. PAS may use attendee participation or evaluation data to pilot PAS Meeting sessions or webinars on new topics (for example, pediatric sedation). PAS may use attendee emails to spread awareness or market new sessions or webinars to those most likely to find them of interest.

Support online client experiences, digital platforms, and/or applications you elect to participate in
Example data use – support online client experiences: In order to resolve technical issues or provide the support needed by PAS participants, PAS may share error messages, user questions, requests for support, or descriptions of apparent network or platform failures with the relevant vendors (for example, Zoom, ScholarOne, or Cadmium or others).

All Registrations (In-Person + On-Demand & On-Demand) may be canceled through March 15, 11:59 pm CT. Cancelation is not permitted beginning March 16, 2024. The original registration fee, less a 20% administration fee, will be refunded. This administration fee is waived for Trainees.

Registration may be canceled through March 15, 11:59 pm CT. Cancelation is not permitted beginning March 16, 2024. Trainees who cancel their registration on or before March 16, 2024, 11:59 pm CT will be refunded in full and not charged the 20% admin fee.

If you are a registered attendee for the live meeting in Toronto and you discover you are unable to attend the onsite PAS Meeting after the March 15, 2024 cancelation date, we will switch you to an On-Demand Only registration, and no refund will be applied. You will have full access to all On-Demand content beginning Tuesday, May 7 – Thursday, August 1, 2024.

Meeting registrations cannot be transferred to another person. If the registrant cannot attend the meeting for any reason, their registration must be canceled, and the replacement person must register for the meeting separately.

Right To Use Name & Likeness

In consideration for my participation in the PAS Meeting, I hereby grant PAS the perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free right and permission to record, photograph, use, and distribute (royalty-free, both now and in the future) my image, name, and voice in all forms and all media including, without limitation, photographs, electronic reproductions and transmission of images and audio files, webcasting, and any and all other uses on the internet for any and all PAS’s lawful purposes.

Social Media Guidelines

Social Media Policy: Except as provided below, PAS encourages all of its members and event attendees to participate in public discussions through social networking including but not limited to social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as well as blogs. At the same time, PAS expects that such individuals will make statements that are in the best interests of PAS and will not engage in any inappropriate statements or statements that would be detrimental to the PAS as a whole. PAS retains the right to take appropriate action to remove any content or postings it determines are contrary to PAS’s interests. We remind you to adhere to PAS’ social media do’s and don’ts:


  • Pay close attention to all PAS Policies: Individual Slide/Poster Photography/Video and Video and Audio Recordings of Entire Sessions.
  • Look for the “Share” or “Do Not Share” icon on each slide during presentations and sessions.
  • Follow PAS on X (@PASMeeting) and use the hashtag #PAS2024 to join the conversation about the meeting.
  • Like us on Facebook.
  • Blog or tweet about what you hear and learn at the meeting, but refrain from sharing when the speaker explicitly asks not to share. Talks are tweetable and shareable by default, but speakers can ask that attendees not share specific details or slides.
  • Converse and network with other attendees before, during, and after the conference.
  • Provide feedback to staff and the committee members – we encourage attendees to post about and discuss topics of interest and ideas for future annual meetings.
  • Communicate with respect and consideration for others, and keep criticism constructive.


  • Capture, transmit, or redistribute data presented at the meeting if there is a no-share icon or no icon at all – this may preclude its later publication in a scientific journal. Please adhere to the embargo policies and do not jeopardize your colleagues’ work!
  • Post copyrighted or trademarked material, or material protected by other intellectual property rights.
  • Use PAS’ social media platforms to comment on medical, legal, or litigious matters.
  • Post derogatory, demeaning, inflammatory, offensive, disrespectful, hateful, sales-oriented, or otherwise inappropriate comments.

People who participate in social media activity associated with the meeting are expected to:

  • Maintain a courteous and respectful demeanor in their comments and posts.
  • Contribute value and expertise.
  • Represent themselves and their organizations truthfully and professionally.
  • Recognize that social media conversations include professionals, patients, policymakers, reporters, and the general public.

The views and opinions posted on PAS’ social media do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of PAS, its leadership, staff, or membership. PAS reserves the right to remove comments it deems, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate.

PAS does not pay speaker honorariums. However, we do offer the following speaker benefits for Scholarly Session participants only (Basic-Clinical-Translational Roundtables, Debate/Pro-Con Discussions, Hot Topic/Topic Symposia, Panel Discussions, State of the Art Plenary):

Scholarly Session Speakers who provide an overview/presentation for 10 minutes or longer:

  • Member Speaker: Association members are encouraged to participate actively in developing their association’s scientific program at PAS. A member of APS, SPR, APA, AAP Fellow, ASPN, or PIDS who provides an overview/presentation for 10 minutes or longer receives:
    • Complimentary meeting registration
  • Non-Member Speaker: Highly qualified speakers who are not yet association members may be invited by session organizers or chairs to participate in PAS. A speaker who was not a member of APS, SPR, APA, AAP Fellow, ASPN, or PIDS as of August 1, 2023, and who provides an overview/presentation for 10 minutes or longer receives:
    • Complimentary meeting registration
    • Up to two nights lodging at a conference-contracted hotel. Note: speakers must book and pay for the reservation at a conference-contracted hotel themselves, then submit the receipt for reimbursement by June 3, 2024.
    • Up to $250 for incidentals. Itemized receipts must be submitted; see PAS Travel Guidelines for details.
    • Standard economy air travel to/from the PAS Meeting, which must be booked no less than 30 days prior to the start of the PAS Meeting through the PAS Egencia. If travel is not booked through PAS Egencia by March 29, 2024, the speaker must book and pay for their own travel. (Prior approval is needed for layovers that are non-PAS Meeting related.)
    • If the speaker is unable to attend the PAS Meeting after a ticket is booked, he/she is responsible for reimbursing PAS for the cost of the ticket (the ticket is not transferrable, and can only be used by the individual for his/her personal use.)
    • The PAS Travel Guidelines, Complimentary Registration Link, and Speaker Expense forms will be in your tasks list to complete for eligible speakers, please contact for any questions.
    • Speaker Expense forms must be submitted by June 3, 2024, to be eligible for reimbursement.

PAS Scholarly Session Program Chairs
Chairs are not eligible for complimentary meeting registration or compensation. Chairs who provide an overview/presentation longer than 10 minutes will be classified as both a chair and a speaker and therefore are eligible for the speaker support detailed above.

PAS Original Science Abstract Programs: Platforms, Poster Symposia, Poster Sessions
Moderators, Discussants, Poster Facilitators, and Presenters are not eligible for complimentary meeting registrations. All participants must register for the PAS Meeting.

PAS Clubs
All participants must register for the PAS Meeting. If grant funding is obtained, the PAS Speaker Support Policy applies, and grant funding is used first towards the speaker and audiovisual expenses and then for other expenses. If grant funding is not obtained, no speaker support is offered; registration and travel expenses are the responsibility of the speaker.

PAS Workshops–Including ASPN and PIDS Workshops
Workshop presenters are not eligible for complimentary meeting registrations. All participants must register for the PAS Meeting.

APA and PAS Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Faculty participants are not eligible for complimentary meeting registrations. All participants must register for the PAS Meeting.

Presidential Plenaries
Special guest speakers who are invited by partner and alliance organizations to speak as high-profile “Guest Speakers” at the organization’s Presidential Plenary Session will follow the PAS Non-Member speaker policy.

Video and Audio Recordings of ENTIRE Presentations and Sessions

The use of cameras and audio recording equipment (including, but not limited to, camera-enabled cellular phones, film, digital, and video) is prohibited during PAS events, ENTIRE presentations, and sessions without prior written permission from PAS.

Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability

Each in-person meeting participant must acknowledge and agree to this release and waiver before registration can be confirmed.

The Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting will take place as an in-person event from April 24-28, 2025, at the Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Those choosing to attend must agree to the terms of this Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Claims.

By agreeing to this Waiver, the undersigned (I or you) acknowledge that you have made the decision to attend the Event in person with a full understanding of the inherent risks of such a decision.

PAS is not responsible for the Venue’s health and safety mitigation efforts (or lack thereof) or any negligence by the Venue or its staff relative to such precautions. To help minimize the potential of health and safety issues, everyone attending the Event will be required to follow any health and safety policies and protocols established by PAS.

I acknowledge and agree that it is my obligation to follow all recommended and required health and safety policies, protocols, and measures while attending the Event.

I acknowledge and agree that I am attending the Event voluntarily, and at my own risk.

I agree to accept and assume all risks of personal injury, illness, disability, or damage related to health and safety arising from my attendance including but not limited to, risks arising from the acts, omission, and negligence of others, including PAS officers, directors, employees, agents, members, or exhibitors. I hereby release, for myself, my heirs, personal representatives, and next of kin, and do forever discharge, covenant not to sue, indemnify and hold harmless PAS, its directors, officers, agents, employees, members, and representatives, of and from any and all claims, liabilities, actions, damages, costs, or expenses of any kind arising out of, in connection with or realtering to my attending or participating in the Event including, without limitation, any illness, damages, or injury whatsoever resulting from my attendance at the Event, participation in events related to the Event, exposure to an infection disease (including COVID-19) or the manner in which the Event or its related events and activities are conducted (collectively, “Claims”).

I understand and agree that this Waiver includes any Claims based on the actions, errors, omissions, or negligence of PAS, its directors, officers, agents, employees, members, and representatives, whether a condition giving rise to any Claims occurred before, during or after I attended or participated in the Event. I understand that PAS is under no obligation to provide support or safety during the Event or medical aid in case of accidents or illness. However, should an accident or illness occur, I give PAS (or its representative of staff) permission to seek immediate medical aid, and I further agree to hold harmless PAS and its respective officers, directors, members, staff, and representatives from any liability for illness, injury, loss, or damage related in any way to the provision or lack of provision of medical aid. I affirm I have carefully read this Waiver, understand its terms and conditions, and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions.